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Brow dye
Brow dye is a hybrid of Tint and Henna.
It is the most defined looking brow tint option, perfect for
anyone wanting to achieve the look of cosmetic tattooing
without the commitment.
This long lasting dye leaves a strong stain effect on the skin
for up to 2 weeks while boosting hair colour up to 7 weeks.
Please note: the more brow hair you have the better the results.
Tanning products on the face will effect the staining
of dye. Tanning is best applied after, not before.
Salt water, excessive sweating and face cleanses can
all take the life out of dye. Be mindful of these things.
While the dye is processing, you can enjoy a
complimentary relaxing head and scalp massage.
Brow dye + brow shape
(allow 1 hour treatment time)
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